

1. 到GOOGLE那里输入相关字眼,如:malaysia scholarship, scholarship for design......
2. http://www.malaysia-scholarship.com/
3. http://biasiswa.need-guide.com/
4. http://malaysia-scholarship.net/
5. http://www.recom.org/ ---> scholarship
6. www.doctorjob.com.my/scholarships/latest.asp
7. http://www.fsi.com.my/
8. http://www.quansheng.org/
9. www.quansheng.org/forum

还有部分网站我已经email你们了,没收到的问其他有收到的吧,因为我可能没办法尽快email 给你。




What A Friend Is

happy new year

this is my first day in 2010 to do is write the blog share the feeling is count down at the sg.wang plaza see the firework so nice but did not take a video but never mine cz many of them will post at the youtube soon u all can see there n wish all happy new year in 2010 haha ^-^n forget about no good thing start a new life n good thing in this year hehe .